Tropical Flowers or Ivory Roses Bouquet?

     What Kind of Flowers or How Does it Like a Tropical Bouquet?

Most of the hotels in the area give you the option to choose between white or ivory roses, or a tropical bouquet. But, how does actually looks like a tropical bouquet?

For us, the tropical flowers will be all those ones that can be raised in the country, like: Flamingo Flower, Showy Medinilla, Bird of Paradise, Lobster Claw, Maraca Ginger, Anthodium, Domestic roses, etc. 

Tropical bouquets can be multicolor, two colors, or just one color in different kind of flowers.

Be sure to let you coordinator know if there is a flower that you don´t want to have in your bouquet, due to the florists usually make a big mix of flowers using the ones they have on hand. 

Here my experienced advice 👌: Look for a picture of you want, and send it to the coord. ask her/him to do something similar using the flowers included. In most of the cases, they can get the same flowers with any extra cost.
